121725 Aphidas

Minor planets include asteroids as well as distant minor planets (centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects), most of which reside in the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc.

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121725 Aphidas was discovered on December 13, 1999 and named for one of the Centaurs killed at the wedding of Pirithous, King of the Lapiths.

Protests spontaneously occur outside Northside Dunkin Donuts.

As predicted, Dunkin Donuts on North Salina Street faced a problem with national implications. As the Social Media displayed outrage after a live video that apparently shows a Dunkin Donuts employee berating and then dousing the homeless man with a pitcher of water. The video has since gone viral.

Orius (the balance of values - professional, personal and relationship (not only violated our written policies, but goes against our core values)) trine Aphidas (kind, compassionate, empathetic, "walk a mile" in the other person's shoes consciousness) sextile Nessus (generous, benevolent, compassionate, willing to lend a helping hand (A GoFundMe campaign organized on behalf of Dufresne has raised nearly $15,000)).

Online, people began a campaign, calling the Dunkin Donuts phone simply saying, "Fix this!" The cause picked up momentum when Al-Amin Muhammad of We Rise Above the Streets, went live on Facebook as the community activist asked questions regarding the treatment of a homeless person.

After suspending the suspected employees seen and heard in the video, the Walak Group local Dunkin' Donuts franchise decided to fire the staff involved in the incident.


1999 XX143/121725 Aphidas was discovered on December 13, 1999 by Carl W. Hergenrother at Whipple Observatory near Amado, Arizona and named for one of the Centaurs killed at the wedding of Pirithous, King of the Lapiths.

Aphidas (or Apheidas) is a centaur from Greek mythology who remained in a drunken sleep during the battle between the Centaurs and Lapiths The Lapith Phorbas killed Aphidas with a thrown spear while he slept.

It has an orbit of 76 years, 205 days, an inclination to the ecliptic of 6.76841, and an orbital eccentricity of 0.46285227. The elongated orbit sends it out past Uranus at aphelion (26.30 AU), and just inside Saturn's orbit at perihelion (9.66 AU).

49036 Pelion (1998 QM107)
Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly in central Greece, where the Centaurs were said to live

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