16 Psyche

Minor planets include asteroids as well as distant minor planets (centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects), most of which reside in the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc.

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16 Psyche is a large M-type asteroid discovered on 17 March 1852 and named after the Greek goddess Psyche.

Police have got into the Halloween spirit by making a "zombie cops" dance video. Wellington police do Michael Jackson's Thriller dance to Poi E.

The video features Wellington police officers performing the moves from Michael Jackson's Thriller to the music of Poi E by Patea Maori Club.

Saturn (authority figures, law and order) sextile Haumea (portraits and or caricatures) sextile Psyche (head wounds, brain states).

Taika Waititi was tagged in the post, in tribute to his performance of Thriller to the same song in the movie Boy.

It's not the first music video police have starred in, with the Running Man craze spreading to police around the world last year.


16 Psyche is a large M-type asteroid, which was discovered by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis, on 17 March 1852 and named after the Greek goddess Psyche. The prefix "16" signifies that it was the sixteenth minor planet in order of discovery.

It is the largest and most massive of the M-type asteroids, and one of the dozen most massive asteroids. It has a mean diameter of approximately 220 kilometers (140 mi) and contains about one percent of the mass of the asteroid belt.

49036 Pelion (1998 QM107)
Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly in central Greece, where the Centaurs were said to live

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