2060 Chiron

Minor planets include asteroids as well as distant minor planets (centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects), most of which reside in the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc.

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2060 Chiron is a small Solar System body in the outer Solar System, orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs—bodies orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt. Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology.

Four injured as runaway military horses bolt through central London. BBC London

Four people have been taken to hospital after five runaway horses of the Household Cavalry threw off their riders and raced through London.

Sun (men) quincunx Pallas (horses (runaway horses of the Household Cavalry)) sesquiquadrate Chiron woundedness (three soldiers were receiving treatment for non-life threatening injuries)).

The horses, one of which was covered in blood, caused chaos as they roamed the city centre and collided with vehicles, including a double-decker bus and taxi.

They initially became spooked by loud construction during a routine military exercise in Belgravia, the Army said.

Officers said the horses had been recovered and returned to camp.

A group of nuns make $1.1 million each year by growing and selling cannabis products to heal people.

The Sisters of the Valley - a community of nuns in Merced County, California - started eight years ago with just twelve plants, but has since expanded into an international, million-dollar operation.

Mercury (education (documentary released today)) conjunct Chiron (healing) conjunct Salacia (driven, determined, resourceful, able to work with the unseen, chaste, pure (community of nuns)) opposite Makemake (oral remedies for healing (CBD products)). Sun (determination) conjunct Uranus (resourceful, humanitarian) opposite Rhadamanthus (judges, courts (fought bitterly against 'white man rule')).

'It's a wonderfully healing plant, gradually the world is starting to open up to the idea of cannabis as medicine, rather than treating it as a dangerous drug,' said Sister Kate.

Their operation is so successful, in fact, a documentary about the nuns has been made by a British filmmaker and is being released today to celebrate 4/20.

The film, Breaking Habits, directed by Rob Ryan, explores the history and survival of the nuns - in particular Sister Kate Meeusen, who started the Sisters of the Valley.


1977 UB/2060 Chiron is a minor planet in the outer Solar System, orbiting between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered October 18, 1977 by Charles T. Kowal (precovery images have been found as far back as 1895), it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs (minor planets orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt).

Besides the four gas giants, Chiron and 10199 Chariklo, also a centaur, are the only bodies in the Solar System known to have rings.

Although it was initially called an asteroid and classified only as a minor planet with the designation "2060 Chiron", it was later found to exhibit behavior typical of a comet. Today it is classified as both a minor planet and a comet, and is accordingly also known by the cometary designation "95P/Chiron".

Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology. Michael Brown lists it as possibly a dwarf planet with a measured diameter of 206 km, which is near the lower limit for an icy dwarf planet (around 200 km).

49036 Pelion (1998 QM107)
Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly in central Greece, where the Centaurs were said to live

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