55576 Amycus

Minor planets include asteroids as well as distant minor planets (centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects), most of which reside in the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc.

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55576 Amycus is a centaur discovered on April 8, 2002, by the NEAT at Palomar. In Greek mythology, Amycus or Amykos was a male centaur and the son of Ophion.

US company releases 'Thermonator' robot. YouTube / Throwflame

Finally, your chance to own a robot dog that could destroy an entire town. Nine months ago, 'Throwflame,' who sell flamethrowers (duh), announced the invention of the 'Thermonator,' as 'the first-ever flamethrower wielding robot dog,' which can 'deliver on-demand fire anywhere!' And if you have $10,000 burning a hole in your pocket, then you too can now own your very own mechanical Cerberus, with which you can burn more than just pockets - things like your own property or yourself to death.

Sun (creative energy, creative potential) square Amycus (any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears, questioning, insightful, progressive (invention of the 'Thermonator,' as the first-ever flamethrower wielding robot dog)).

Amazingly, this fiery dog is being marketed not only to the military industrial complex, but also the public, which has drawn huge amounts of interest. However, it remains to be seen what the average American would need with a weapon of war strapped to the back of a different weapon of war.

$20 million robot nopes out after 20-hour shift. @agilityrobotics

A $20,000,000 robot appeared to channel his inner human during an exhibition in Chicago. 'Digit,' created by Agility Robotics, was designed to work in warehouses and similar environments, moving boxes among other tasks.

Sun (created by Agility Robotics, exhibition in Chicago) square Amycus (lacking resolve, unreliable (downed tools)).

Apparently someone had just whispered to Digit that 20-hour shifts without a break were in fact illegal, and Digit promptly downed tools before downing himself.

It took over a year and a half to engineer the massive robot. Megahex: The six-legged rideable robot. HackSmith Industries / YouTube

YouTubers Hacksmith Industries claim to have built the world's biggest hexapod rideable robot called Megahex, according to a video posted by its makers on Sunday.

Sun (creativity) conjunct Pluto (transformation) conjunct Amycus (any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears (a princess auto excavator (a powerful towable excavator) which was capable of orienting itself using its bucket to stand up and maneuver)) sextile Ceto (bizarre creatures (world's biggest hexapod rideable robot called Megahex)).

Initially, the project was supposed to take three months. But it ended up lasting a year and a half and saw many failures, breakdowns, and rewrites. The team behind the YouTube channel even made three videos before scrapping them all and going with the final version.

It all started when one of the YouTubers on the team came across a princess auto excavator (a powerful towable excavator) which was capable of orienting itself using its bucket to stand up and maneuver.

The YouTuber asked himself: what would stop more legs from lifting a heavier body? That's when he decided it was possible to build a six-legged version of the princess auto excavator to produce a spider-like rideable robot.

"I'm gonna tell my kids it's a horse". Man makes a metal 'horse' with pedals & calls it shagohod.

"As a child, I saw a cartoon about a turtle - an inventor who had a cart with mechanical legs. I really liked this cart and I decided to do something similar."

Jupiter (creative visualisation, vision) conjunct Amycus (any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears).

See what I did in the video.

If someone knows what this cartoon is called, write in the comments or throw off the link, otherwise I could not find it.

Transformers reloaded! Exoskeleton suit makes Japanese cyborg dream a reality. Japan, Tokyo

A Tokyo-based robot design company has created a giant 2.5 meter tall 'exoskeleton suit' which enables highly flexible body movements using a patented 'three-dimensional closed link structure'.

Amycus (any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears (motion expansion device)) quincunx Echeclus (spatial relations, mentally integrating ('three-dimensional closed link structure' enabling dynamic movements of the limbs)).

"We, Japanese people, have the perception that robots equal something to fight, robots equal something to ride on. Those kind of image is very visually strong for us, so we are making this robot with the desire to make that dream come true," said CEO of Skeletonics Inc Kento Hiroi on Friday.

Babylonians used geometry beyond their time — study (Reuters)

Ancient Babylonian astronomers were way ahead of their time, using sophisticated geometric techniques that until now had been considered an achievement of medieval European scholars.

Amycus (monuments, commandments (as in carved in stone), pictographs and petroglyphs (wedge-shaped ancient Babylonian cuneiform script)) square Elatus (writing spiritual treatises) square Logos (thought, reason, data, statistics and their use (Babylonian astronomers produced tables with computed positions of the planets)).

That is the finding of a study published on Thursday (local time) that analysed four clay tablets dating from 350BC to 50BC featuring the wedge-shaped ancient Babylonian cuneiform script describing how to track the planet Jupiter's path across the sky.

Babylonian astronomers produced tables with computed positions of the planets, Ossendrijver said.

They provided positions needed for making horoscopes ordered by clients, and they also held the view that everything on Earth from river levels to market prices, for example grain, and weather — is connected to the motion of the planets.


2002 GB10/55576 Amycus is a centaur discovered on April 8, 2002, by the NEAT at Palomar. It came to perihelion in February 2003. Amycus was named for Amycus, a male centaur in Greek mythology. Amycus was the son of Ophion.

There is not much known about Amycus but he is said to have involvement in the Centauromachy; which was a battle between the centaurs and the Lapith people; this battle is what the centaurs are best known for.

The battle took place during the wedding of the King of the Lapithae, Pirithous and Hippodamia. Amycus involvement in this battle is recognized in the Metamorphoses written by the Roman poet Ovid. In this it is noted that Amycus along with many other centaurs were invited and attended the wedding that turned in to a bloody battle.

The centaurs become drunk of wine and attempted to take Hippodamia along with other Lapith women as they pleased. Eurytus a centaur that could not control himself when the bride, Hippodamia, was presented; he attempted to kidnap and rape her. He inspired all the drunken centaurs to attack and violate the Lapith women as they could.

Theseus a friend of Pirithous stopped the centaur Eurytus unilimally killing him resulting in the first blood of the battle.

Amycus's role in this battle is of great importance; he was responsible for the first death of one of the Lapith people. Driven with anger due to the death of the loved centaur Eurytus, Amycus smashed the head of innocent Lapith Celadon with a candlestick.

Pelates from Pella clubbed him to death using a leg from a maple table, sending Amycus down to the underworld Tartarus. These were the first deaths of the battle between the centaurs and the Lapith people. The Lapiths ultimately defeated the centaurs and drove them from Thessaly to the northwest.

49036 Pelion (1998 QM107)
Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly in central Greece, where the Centaurs were said to live

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